Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Killing Us Softly

I have seen the first and second of Jean Kilbourne's movies before. I watched Killing Us Softly 3 last night in class. Here is a preview.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


White Ribbon Against Pornography

White Ribbon Against Pornography Month

Pornography degrades and dehumanizes both female and male participants; and,

Pornography presents youth with false and distorted image of human sexuality, devoid of love, commitment and responsibility; and,

Pornography features and promotes rape and other anti-social behaviors in an era of increasing sexual violence and an epidemic of sexually transmitted disease; and,

According to a study conducted by the Crimes Against Children's Resource Center, the percentage of Internet users ages 10-17 who were exposed to unwanted pornography in the previous year increased from 25 percent in 2000 to 34 percent in 2005; and,

Children are increasingly molesting other children in imitation of what they have seen in pornography; and,

According to a survey conducted in 2004 by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 45 percent of teens have friends who regularly view and download pornography from the Internet; and,

The United States Supreme Court has rules that obscenity is not protected speech under the First Amendment; and,

Federal and State obscenity laws have been enacted against hardcore pornography to protect public safety, public health and public morality; and,

A poll conducted by Harris Interactive in November 2005 found that 77 percent of adult Americans surveyed supported the Justice Department's crackdown on obscene materials; and now therefore be it,

*Stats taken from,1607,7-168-23442_25488_43769-175208--,00.html